Idiom #2 in “Every Rose Has it’s Thorn” by Poison.

An idiom is a speech form that is particular to itself within the usage of a given language. The song I chose to use for my second idiom example is “Every Rose Has it’s Thorn” by Poison.The idom in this song is when he sings, “Every rose has its thorn.” This is and idiom because it is particular. It is spoken figuratively it means that every good thing (like a rose) has something bad about it (like a thorn). My parent love this song so I have heard it in the past I think it is pretty good for a slower song. The link to this song:

Idiom in “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah” by Alice Cooper.

An idiom is a speech form that is particular to itself within the usage of a given language. The first song I chose to use for an idiom is called “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah” by Alice Cooper. The example of an idiom in the lyrics of this song is when he sings, “Yeah, you could pull my leg or anything.” This is an idiom because it is particular to itself and really doesn’t have anything to do with the subject. I have never heard this song before this and it really isn’t that good. This cong never became really popular. The link for this song:

Personification #2 in “The Wind Cries Mary” by Jimi Hendrix.

Personification is a literary element that gives non-living things human characteristics this can help bring “life” to stories and songs. The second song I chose for personification is called ‘The Wind Cries Mary” by Jimi Hendrix. The example of personification in this song is when he sings, “You can hear happiness staggering on down the street…” That is personification because you can’t  hear happiness and happiness doesn’t stagger. Another example of personification in this song is when he sings,”And the wind cries Mary.” This is personification because the wind cannot cry. The last example of personification is when he sings,” Will the wind ever remember, the names it has blown in the past.” This is an example of personification because the wind cannot remember things and it cannot talk. The link to this song:

Hyperbole #2 in “A Year Without Rain” by Selena Gomez

A hyperbole is a literary element that happens when something is exagerated extermely. The second song I chose to use for a hyperbole is called “A Year Without Rain” by Selena Gomez. In the lyrics song she signs, “I’ve been wonderin the desert, for a thousand days.” This is a hyperbole because she oviusly hasn’t been wandering around in the desert for a thousand days, that is an exageration. The link to this song: I have never heard this song until I found out about it on the internet. This song isn’t that bad but it is not good either.

Hyperbole in “Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars.

A hyperbole is a literary element that exaggerates things extremely. The first song I chose to use is “Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars. There are a couple of hyperboles ing this song. The first one is when he sings, ” Her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining.” This is a good example of a hyperbole because it is a big exaggeration. The second one is when he sings, “And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while.” This is a good example of a hyperbole because the whole world wouldn’t actually stare. The link to this song:

Onomatopia #2 in “Trolley Song” by Judy Garland

An onomatopia is a literary element that sounds like the noun or verb it is describing such as “buzz”. The second song I chose is called the “Trolley Song” by Judy Garland. One example of onomatopoeia on this song is when she sings “Clang, clang,clang, went the trolley.” That is an example of an onomatopoeia because the trolley does clang. Another example is when she sings “Chug,chug,chug went the motor.” this is and example of an onomatopia because the motor is chugging. Another example is when she sings “Buzz, buzz, buzz went the buzzer.” This is and example because the buzzer makes a buzzing sound.” The last onomatopoeia that I’m going to write about is when she sings Ding, Ding, Ding went the bell. this is an onomatopia because bells make a ding noise. There are plenty more onomatopia’s  in this song but therre are almost too many to type. The link for this song:

Onomatopia in “Tik Tok” by Ke$ha

An onomatopia is a literary element and is when the word sounds like what it is describing such as “buzz”. The first song I chose to use is called “Tik Tok” by Ke$ha. In this the lyrics song she sings “Tick tock on the clock…” The onomatopoeia in there is the tick tock part and that refers the noise a grandfather clock makes when it counts the seconds. This song was very popular couple years ago and everybody knows it. The link for this song: This song is pretty good it has beat and you can dance to it.

Allliteration #2 in Monster Mash, by Bobby Pickett

Alliteration is the repetition of  first consanants in a group of words. My second song I chose is called Monster Mash by Bobby Pickett. The example in lyrics  is when he sings “He did the mash, He did the monster mash.” The alliteration is monster mash this song uses the consanant “m”. In the song they use the same alliteration term many times. It gets kind of anoying after a while. The link to this song: They always play this song on the radio around halloween. It is really old and was written in 1962.

Alliteration in “California Girls” by Katy Perry.

Alliteration is a repetition of consonants in a group of words, this literary element is what makes up a lot of tongue twisters. The song I chose to use is “California Girls” by Katy Perry. In this song she sings, “Warm, wet, and wild…” This is an alliteration because the “w” in those words is being repeated. Another example of alliteration in this song is when she sings, “fine, fresh, fierce…” This is an example of alliterartion because she uses the consonant “f” in all the words.The link for this song: This song was really popular last summer, it is ok though.

Personification in “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Greenday.

Personification is a literary element that gives non-living things human characteristics this can help bring “life” to stories and songs. The first son I chose to use in “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by the band Greenday. In the lyrics the band sings “My shadow’s the only one that walks beside me.” This is personification because your shadow can’t actually walk. Another example of personification in this song is when he sings “When the city sleeps…” This is personification because the city can’t actually sleep. The link for this song: I really do like this song and I think the personification in it is pretty good in it.